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(8:30PM ET)

Kerrie Obert, an internationally acclaimed speech-language pathologist and singing voice specialist, will lead a webinar on caring for your voice. Topics will include:

How sound is produced (a very brief anatomy lesson)
Warming up exercises
Water: how it works (and doesn’t)
Foods to avoid before performing
How much effort is too much
Cooling down exercises
What to do if you’re sick
How to know your voice is in trouble, and what to do about it

This webinar is one of the first offerings for GTM’s new Associate members, and the choir from Temple Isaiah in Lafayette, California, led by Cantor Leigh Korn, will be together to practice with Kerrie. Everyone else is welcome!

Part scientist and part performer, Kerrie Obert’s unique perspective on singing and the voice has always included a combination of research and clinical practice in conjunction with onstage experience. After completing her M.A. in speech-language pathology at The Ohio State University (OSU), Obert joined their clinical staff and worked alongside some of the top laryngologists in the country, performing thousands of endoscopies, and collaborating in research as a part of the voice and swallowing disorders division. She helped launch the singing health specialization at OSU and served as the director of medical arts for the program. Her research has included collaborations in Japan, Greece, and across the United States. She is published in peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, and has co-authored four books, including The Owner’s Manual to The Voice.

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